My and Kim’s favourite

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I simply have to tell you about the best eye care product I have ever tried, owned and gave me the best results ever. It’s Shiseido’s Benefiance Wrinkleresist24 Pure Retinol Express Smoothing Eye Mask. This are eye patches and I tried them also from other brands, but there is simply no comparison.

My story with this Shiseido eye mask

I still remember the day, when I first tried this Shiseido’s eye patches. It was year 2007 I think and I was at Shiseido’s training with trainer Tanja. I remember, that I wasn’t sleeping all night and I came directly to Ljubljana, so you can imagine, how tired I looked 😀 hahaha …So Tanja was presenting this Pure Retinol Eye Mask and wanted to demnostrate. Of coures she called me to come up, cos’ I guess I looked the most tired. I have also evidented on picture, but I can’t find it now 🙁 So, since than, this eye mask become my addiction.

How I use it and what's the benefit

The box containes 12 separate packages each with 2 eye patches. Back than, I think the box contained only 6 packages. The patches are impregnated with pure retinol and are very moist. You put them on clean skin and clean eye area, under your eyes. Before this, you don’t put nothing under and on your eyelids, I just put my regular skincare treatment on other face area. So, this eye patches are very moist, and some extra of this serum is left in the plastic where patches are, so I put this with my finger on my upper eyelid, on my lips and on my laugh line around my mouth. I wait approximately 20-30 minutes, so my under eye area absorbes everything from the eyepatch. I remove them, when they are completely dry. I couldn’t belive that skin absorbs all product, but it does! So after this eye mask you don’t need to put any other product, it’s very intensive care and you don’t wash it neather. I recomend to use it as additional care once a week, and every time, when your eye area needs urgent boost, moisture and anti wrinkless intensive treatment. These quick, concentrated treatment sheets reduce the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles, even with just one application! With each use skin’s texture is refined and resilience is improved, for eyes that look vibrant and awake. Made with stretchable material to adhere snugly to the eye area, or even the laugh lines around the mouth.

It is not only my favourit eye care, it's also Kim Kardashian's

These quick, concentrated treatment sheets reduce the appearance of wrinkles, even with just one application.
* With Pure Retinol Micro-Infusion Technology for immediate anti-wrinkle benefits.
* WrinkleResist24, with Chlorella Extract, Mukurossi Extract and Gambir Extract helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
* To use: apply and leave on for 15 minutes. Follow detailed instructions on package insert.

Here are some pics of How to Use it, but please take it into consideration, that It was 2am when i took this photos and having this eye treatment

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